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IPL Hair Removal

Intense pulsed light (IPL) hair removal is a cosmetic procedure that uses beams of light to remove unwanted hair. The IPL emits a light that is absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in the hair follicles, which then converts into heat. The heat damages the follicles, inhibiting future hair growth.


$60 to $325 depending on area.

Package discounts.

Financing available.

Why IPL Hair Removal?

  1. Effectiveness: IPL hair removal is generally effective in reducing or eliminating hair growth in treated areas. However, it is most effective for individuals with light skin and dark hair because the laser targets the pigment in the hair.

  2. Common Treatment Areas: IPL hair removal is commonly used on areas such as the face, legs, underarms, bikini line, and back. It is important to note that the procedure may not be suitable for all body areas, and individual responses can vary.

  3. Multiple Sessions: Achieving the desired results usually requires multiple sessions. Hair grows in different stages, and IPL hair removal is most effective when targeting hair in the active growth phase. Multiple sessions spaced several weeks apart are typically necessary to catch hairs in various growth cycles.

  4. Temporary Results: While IPL hair removal can significantly reduce hair growth, it is not a permanent solution. Maintenance sessions may be needed to address regrowth over time.

  5. Safety: IPL hair removal is generally considered safe when performed by qualified professionals. However, there can be some side effects, including temporary redness, swelling, and discomfort in the treated area. Skin pigmentation changes and blistering are rare but possible.

  6. Not Suitable for Everyone: IPL hair removal may not be suitable for individuals with certain skin and hair types, such as those with very light or gray hair. Additionally, pregnant women are generally advised to avoid the procedure.

  7. Professional Treatment: It's crucial to have IPL hair removal performed by a licensed and experienced practitioner to minimize risks and maximize effectiveness. At-home laser devices are available, but they may not be as powerful or provide the same level of safety and precision as professional treatments.

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