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Wellness Services

Helping you achieve and maintain a balanced, healthy lifestyle.

close-up of body mesotherapy injections on the female belly, cellulite treatment. Female a

Wellness Boosters

Our Registered Nurses with specialized training offer a variety of beauty and wellness services. These services involve non-invasive cosmetic procedures such as IV hormone treatment, detox treatments, hair restoration treatments, and slimming treatments.

Nutrition Now

A collaborative approache to provide nutrition counselling that is: Inclusive of ALL bodies, Body positive, Weight-neutral, Guided by the Intuitive Eating Principles from Elyse Resch and Evelyn Tribole, and Based in Mindful Eating concepts.

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Love, happy and a couple with coffee in bed on beautiful morning at home. Weekend, wake up

Sexual Wellness

Sexual wellness encompasses various aspects of physical, mental, and emotional well-being related to one's sexuality. It involves not only the absence of sexual dysfunction or illness but also the presence of positive sexual experiences and a healthy attitude towards sexuality.

Reiki Healing 

The ultimate wellness experience restores, renews, and rejuvenates your mind, body, and soul. We believe that Reiki can help balance the energy centers in the body, promote relaxation, and reduce stress. Our experienced practitioners will guide you through this ancient technique to help you find a sense of inner peace.

Reiki Treatment
Feet at spa pedicure procedure


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